Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Relationships are weird

     Relationships. *Sigh* Sometimes they are amazing and work out perfectly, but sometimes they don't work out and they kind of suck. I know I'm not the only one that's met someone, talk to them all day every day for a week or so and become kind of attached then..BOOM..out of nowhere they stop talking ..or you both gradually stop answering each other, then one day neither of you are talking so you just forget about each other. This usually happens with people who meet online..
      Tinder, the popular dating/meet new people and friends app where if you swipe right after seeing the persons profile you can then privately message them and start a conversation. I'm not ashamed to admit I once had a Tinder profile, I mean, who doesn't anymore? I met a few people on there and had some conversations, even met two of them in obviously didn't work out. The first person i met has since become essentially my best friend, I mean, he's been #1 on my snap chat best friends for almost a year. When we first "matched" I was really into him, he was super funny, tall, had a glorious beard, tattoos, and was into the same music as me. We really hit it off, talked all day every day, and became very close. We were to the point that we had started talking about possibly a relationship, that's when things went kind of sour. He told me he was planning on moving to California within the next year and didn't want to put that much distance between us and possibly hurt me. That kind of threw me for a loop, here I was happy and confident that someone was actually into me, someone who I got along with amazingly, then..BOOM.."it's not you it's me". I had fallen for him, hard and had become very attached to him and at the time I thought he felt the same about me, but obviously not. Needless to say after that we didn't really talk like we used to and we slowly started to drift apart. Then out of nowhere he stopped answering my snaps and texts so i stopped trying to salvage the friendship. 
       We hadn't talked in about a month, then one night he texted me out of the blue. He said he had gotten a new job and he was my mind I kept thinking "good for you, but you broke my heart now leave me alone"..but I couldn't be mean to him, I liked him too much. We reconnected, but I could tell his feelings still weren't the same as mine, they aren't to this day. I will always have a spot deep in my heart for him because he was the first guy to actually accept me as I was, a single mom who had been in a very dysfunctional relationship for 4 years.
         We still talk almost every day, even if it's just a snap here or there, or if I need advice about something. But there are times when I wonder when he snaps me first if he's really snapping me or if it's going to someone else..I know, I know, I shouldn't care but it's hard not to when your kind of attached to someone like that. I mean he did kind of break my heart..It's just kind of funny how this relationship turned out

          The way my generation and even the younger generations treat relationships is all very weird to me. Most people my age are just wanting to hook up with anyone and everyone who is around, not me..that's gross. I truly believe chivalry is dead. No one can just be with one person or even treat them the way the deserve to be treated. I'm not saying we have to back to the 50's when the woman was a stay at home mom who was all dolled up and had dinner waiting for the man with a cocktail in her hand. What I'm saying is take her out, not to a bar where all your friends and you are getting wasted, take her to dinner, a nice one. Ask her questions about herself, don't treat her like a piece of meat, be honest and up front with her. There's nothing more off putting than a guy who is way too cocky and can't be up front with you about how he's feeling, whether or not he's really into you or he's just looking for a hook up. And to the ladies, stop throwing yourself at every guy that walks your way, it's not attractive and you make us girls who truly are nice girls look bad. You are worth way more than what you think, so please just stop. No guy who is worth your time is going to take you seriously if your'e wasted and all over everyone all the time. 

               Relationships..they're..complicated and not what they used to be..

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